Negligence causing injury, 940.24
Negligent operation, 941.20
Nuisances, when, 29.927 (6)
Parks, use of near, 167.30
Possession prohibited:
Delinquent juvenile, 938.341
Felons, delinquents, persons subject to certain injunctions, 941.29
Public buildings, prohibited in, 941.235
Railroad cars, shoots at, misdemeanor, 943.07 (2)
Safe use, weapon surcharge, 167.31
Handguns, waiting period for purchase of, 175.35
Purchase in contiguous states permitted, rifle or shotgun, 175.30
Warning required, 175.37
School zones, possession prohibited, 939.32 (1), 948.605
Seized, disposal, 968.20 (3)
Shooting ranges; liability, regulation, 895.527
Sighting, rulemaking authority restricted, 29.312
Silencers, prohibited, 941.298
Taverns, possession in, 941.237
Theft, penalty, 943.20 (3) (d) 5.
Transportation, prohibitions, weapons surcharge, 167.31
Use while intoxicated, chemical tests, 885.235
Weapons assessment for use and transportation violations, 23.50 to 23.85, 59.25 (3) (f), 59.40 (2) (m), 973.05, 973.07
Wounds, reporting requirement, 255.40
fireworks FIREWORKS
Regulation, penalty, 167.10
first class cities FIRST CLASS CITIES
fiscal estimates FISCAL ESTIMATES
Generally, 13.093 (2), 227.14 (4)
fish and game FISH AND GAME
Generally, Ch. 29
American Indians; hunting, trapping and fishing off reservation lands, 29.075
Approvals, see Licenses and permits, under this head
Bag limit:
Establishment, 29.014
Violations, wild animal, 29.055
Poison forbidden, 29.088, 29.601
Traps, molesting, 29.509
Bait dealers:
License, 29.509
License fees, 29.563 (8)
Hunting licenses, 29.184
Hunting license, see Hunting licenses, under this head
Shining, 29.314 (3)
Dams, removal with explosives, 29.088
Land owner may trap, 29.337
Maximum harvest, 29.192 (3)
Birds, see Game birds and Waterfowl, both under this head
Boats, nuisance when, 29.927 (6)
Bow and arrow:
See also Bow and Arrow
Cross bow permit, 29.171 (4)
Hunter education and bow hunter safety program, 29.591, 29.593
Hunter mentorship program for children, 29.592
License, see Hunting licenses, under this head
Nuisances when, 29.927 (6)
Restrictions on use by minors, 29.304 (1)
Canada geese, department to regulate harvest, 29.192 (1)
Captive wildlife:
Agriculture and natural resources department cooperation, 169.03
Bird hunting preserves, 169.19, 169.32 (5)
Record-keeping, 169.36 (1)
Carcasses, 169.14
Dog training and trial licenses, 169.20, 169.32 (6), (7), 169.36 (4)
Dealers, regulated, 95.69
Fencing, 90.20, 90.21
Escaped deer, disposal 29.875
Promotion program, 93.46 (1) (am)
Definitions, 169.01
Endangered and threatened species, 169.30
Exhibition, 169.07
Nonprofit educational exhibiting licenses, 169.26, 169.32 (12), 169.36 (1)
Nonresident temporary exhibiting licenses, 169.27, 169.32 (13)
Farms, 169.15, 169.32, 169.36
Wild fur farms, 169.18
Harmful wild animals regulated, 169.11
Housing and care, 169.39
Hunting, 169.09
Import and movement of animals, 95.20
Inspections, 169.37, 169.38
Licenses, generally:
Applications, renewals, terminations, 169.33